Intelligent Imaging and Sensing Lab


Meet our group! Here are the people that make this all possible.

Amit Ashok Amit Ashok Professor
Tammie Brown Tammie Brown Coordinator
Jacob Trzaska Jacob Trzaska Researcher
Nico Deshler Nico Deshler Researcher
Caleb Cook Caleb Cook Researcher
Logan Pawlowski Logan Pawlowski Researcher

Former Members

Here are our former lab members! Check out the exciting work they’ve gone off to do!

Hwang-Jye Yang Hwang-Jye Yang Researcher
Joseph Cox Joseph Cox Researcher
Kwan Kit Lee Kwan Kit Lee Researcher
Sebastian Valencia Sebastian Valencia Researcher
Shu Yang Shu Yang Researcher
Trevor Schlack Trevor Schlack Researcher

Join the Team


Our work is made possible by funding from the following organizations.